Sunday, June 7, 2009

Baseball, Birthdays, and Chicken Pox

Since China I have gone to two Major League Baseball games, had a birthday, treated the Chicken Pox, went to some "hot springs," and planned a trip to the Philippines. Before I update you on all this, I want you to hear two of the songs that I hear ALL the time. I hear these songs when I'm walking down the street, in cabs and buses, and my kids sing them in class. (Be warned -- they are extremely catchy.) Brett gets to hear me randomly bust out in song all the time. I only know the 8 English words they sing, but I think I do a pretty good job at making up the words that I don't know.

The first song is "Nobody" by the Wondergirls. This was one of the first songs I picked up on when I got here.

Hahaha...isn't that video ridiculous?!? The song is fun though. Who knows what they're saying!?!

The next song is "Sorry Sorry" by Super Junior.

Sweet moves, huh? Move over Jonas Brothers!!

Okay, now the update. The weekend after China, Bill and Jess came to Incheon and we all went to a Major League baseball game. Our friend Yumi went as well. It was our hometown team - SK Wyvers (whatever that is)- against the Heroes (not sure what town.) Brett and I had gone to the baseball game the night before with Jonah and Sara, but we decided to go again the next day. It was the PERFECT weather!! In Korea, they have cheerleaders at the baseball games, and the entire game they are leading chants. We spent most of the game yelling the chants with them...but in English not in Korean. Since we couldn't understand what they were saying we just made up what we thought they were saying. S K CHAMP-IONS!!!!

The field...check out the backdrop!!!

The scoreboard (still have no idea what it says)

Yumi, Me, and Brett

Brett and the ridiculously loud clappers from the kid in front of us!!!

My birthday was on Friday, May 15th. The plan was to go eat at On the Border (the one with Mexican food, not the one that divides Korea) Friday night, and then spend the weekend at the beach with Bill and Jess. However, Brett started to get these weird bumps all over on Thursday, so he went to the doctor to get them checked out. It was the chicken pox!!! So on to plan B: Brett stays at home and I do everything as previously planned without him. I was pretty sure Friday at school would be an easy day. We had an outdoor field trip/picnic at the Incheon Grand Park, which meant that I didn't have to teach Kindergarten. Ha ha ha...I was wrong about the easy part!! I ended up lugging 6 backpacks and a kid on each hip around the park because all of my little babies were tired. We were way behind everyone, and all I heard was "Teacher, I'm tired," in the sweetest most pitiful voices. I was exhausted by the end!!!

Luke and Jeney (on the bus before the field trip.)

Brian and Toby (Toby is a relatively new student. He is "mixee." His dad is from England and his mom is Korean. Koreans have a strange fascination with "mixee" kids, and everyone at the park wanted to touch him. The Korean helpers at the school thinks he looks like Brad Pitt and David Beckham!?!?!?!)

Mike from Brett's class and Peter (who was obviously pumped!)

Whiny Grace (who is always in her own world)

"Teacher, Teacher...Helicopter!"

Me and Peter (after snacktime)

Grace, Brian, Luke, Me, Peter, Jeney, Toby

with our class helper, "Donna"

After an exhausting day at school, Jonah, Sara, Laura and I met up with friends Yumi, Jessica,Karel, and Brigitta at On the Border for a birthday dinner.

I had chicken enchilada suiza

They even sing the English version of "Happy Birthday" to you in Korea...and yes, the food was delicious.

After dinner, it was apparent that plan B was a failure. I was sooooo tired and it was raining like crazy. The forcast said it was supposed to rain all weekend, so going to the islands was called off. Instead, I went home and spent the weekend watching movies with Brett (who was not able to leave the apt.)

The next weekend, Brett made it up to me by taking me to Outback Steakhouse!! It was delicious...

It's the same "vegetable" we ate in China. There is no English word for it's just called "vegetable."

We were bums for the rest of that week and the next weekend, and we played it low key. The first weekend in June we went to Asan to enjoy the "natural" hot springs with Bill, Jess, and Diana. I don't have a lot to write about on that. It was definitely not very natural. It was more like a small water park with water that had been died green and red. I think all the Koreans were scared that we had the pig flu because everywhere pool/hot tub thing we got into usually cleared out pretty fast. I don't really have many pictures from this, but Bill does and as soon as I get them from him, I will post them.

Us leaving the hot springs.

Bill, Jess, Diana, and Me on the bus back to the train.

We went to Hongdae that night, which is the party district of Seoul.

Diana La and I

Me, Jess S., Erin, Jess, and Diana

Check out Brett's sweet moves! Love it!!!!

End of the night self-portrait.

We have a vacation July 25-August 2. We have planned a trip to Boracay, Philippines. Here is where we will

Next post....Jeju-do (Jeju Island, South Korea)

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